Intro & Heart
This teaching is from a breakout session done for a men’s conference called Iron Sharpens Iron. It is an overview of what a soul is using Dallas Willard’s conceptual map. It includes examples of how each part of our souls can be explored in prayer with God. The next video is an actual guided prayer that takes you through the process of praying and asking God to search each part of your soul.
This teaching is from a breakout session done for a men’s conference called Iron Sharpens Iron. It is an overview of what a soul is using Dallas Willard’s conceptual map. It includes examples of how each part of our souls can be explored in prayer with God. The next video is an actual guided prayer that takes you through the process of praying and asking God to search each part of your soul.
This is a guided prayer experience to help you explore you soul with God. It is one of the next steps that we take after learning more about what our souls are.
An overview of key verses from the Old Testament to help us understand what a soul is.
An overview of verses from the New Testament that help us understand what a soul is.
Dallas Willard gives us a map of our soul that includes our heart, mind, body, and social relationships.
Dallas Willard gives us a map of our soul that includes our heart, mind, body, and social relationships.