“There are times when we need to pull back from the battle line in our own lives rather than continuing to fight the same battles in the same old ways. We need to pull back from our busyness, from life in our culture, from other people’s expectations and our own compulsions, from whatever is not working in our lives.” Ruth Haley Barton- Invitation to Retreat
We need a time and space with God to examine our lives and strategically assess our souls.
If you're a pastor, pastor’s spouse or leader we offer:
a place to just "be" instead of having to "lead"
a chance to slow down and connect deeply with God
an opportunity to let the swirl and chaos settle and see what God is up to
connection with others who take their life with God seriously
an experience that can help you think through helping your people truly change
If you're a follower of Jesus we offer:
a process to help get "unstuck" and experience true transformation
a way of being with God that leads to knowing His love, voice and presence
insight into who God has created you to be and how to join him in becoming that person
We were made to partner with God as “his Kingdom comes here on earth as it is in heaven.”
However, the Kingdom needs to start IN US first before it can start to spread through us and around us.
A balance of interactive teaching, conversation, time to relax, and guided times with God.
Retreat Materials (including access to web-based video resources)
3 Meals & Refreshments throughout each retreat
Multiple Mid-quarter zoom calls with a group of people, to share learnings throughout the quarter
Powerful & Refreshing worship experiences
Practical training in spiritual disciplines to help you encounter God and be transformed.
FRIDAY NIGHT | 4:30 - 9:00 PM
We will be using the lower floor of the Illinois Baptist State Association building. It’s conveniently located off of I-55 and Stevenson Dr. in Springfield, IL.
Individual: $150 (This is the price for the men’s retreat as well)
Couples: $250
We recommend the Crowne Plaza at 3000 South Dirksen Parkway or the Hilton Garden Inn at 3100 S Dirksen Pkwy,
*If you are local to Springfield, you may choose not to stay in a hotel overnight. However, if you have children and decide to stay in your own home, we highly suggest that you make accommodations for someone to watch them for you so you are able to have an evening of rest as well as some time to yourself to process the experience of the retreat.

(Mapping, Exploring, Strategy, Desire)
What is the Kingdom within?
Learn how your soul is a Kingdom that includes your heart, mind, body, and relationships. Each dimension requires a different approach to bring it under the Lordship of Jesus.
How is my Kingdom?
Explore each area and see where Jesus is King and where you need transformation.
How does the Kingdom change?
Learn the process and strategies that Jesus himself used to live the perfect kingdom life.
Concepts: Soul, Formation, Spiritual Disciplines, Consolation & Desolation, Sanctification, Rest, Maturity
(The Kings Good Land, Enemy Territory, Clearing and Reclaiming)
The Land and Enemy Territory
Your soul is made by God and it is good. You are uniquely designed to show the world what God is like.
However, we have areas in our kingdom that we still try to control. There are habits and idols that still exist that fight against the King and His Kingdom.
Clearing and Reclaiming
Learn to see your Kingdom's strengths, identify the places your enemies are pushing to take ground, and how to defend the King's territory. Learn to expand His Kingdom within to reclaim and restore who we were made to be.
Concepts: Identity, Enneagram, Strengths, Weakness, False Self, Head/Heart/Gut Triad, Harmonic Triads, Stress, Growth
(Emotions, Reactivity vs Response, Self-Control)
What is the Role of Emotion in our internal Kingdom?
Emotions are a key component to our transformation. We are driven by core desires, and our emotions are messengers. Anger, Anxiety, Apathy, and every other emotion provides us information about what we desire. Our emotions and desires are powerful when they're pointed towards the King and his will, and destructive when we try to satisfy them on our own terms.
How do we move from a life of reactivity to one of intentional response?
It is possible to both embrace emotion but not be controlled by them.
Concepts: Emotional Awareness & Intelligence, Examen, Praying Psalms: lament, anger, hope
(Bridging the Heart and Mind, Stories that shape the Kingdom, taking thoughts captive, thinking like the King)
How does the Kingdom move from being primarily information in our heads to passion in our hearts?
It's possible to know all the right information but still not believe it in our hearts. This affects our relationship with God and with others. It's possible to bridge the gap and live a life with both knowledge and passion.
Are there unconscious stories that shape our lives, behaviors, and actions?
Jesus told Kingdom stories to get people to see the difference between the way God sees us and this world and the unconscious false stories we tend to believe. These stories shape our behavior, and ultimately our destiny.
How do we begin to see our stories as part of God's Kingdom?
Your mind has turned the events of your life into a story. Learn to see how the beauty, wonder, pain, and loss are part of God's plan for your story. Move from being a victim to a partner in God's Kingdom.
Topics: Neuroscience & Formation, Attachment Theory, Role of Joy, Enemy Mode, Narrative Therapy
(Embodied faith, Stewardship)
How does our body fit into the Kingdom now and the Kingdom come?
What you do with your body now has an effect on your eternity. Our bodies are where we learn to experience God, to live like Christ, and to make Christ known. It is a gift that is meant to be managed and cared for in a way that shows the world the goodness of the Kingdom.
How do we view the bodies that our King has given us?
Do we see it as something good, beautiful, wonderous, and a gift? Or do we see it with shame, frustration, or apathy? How does the way we view our bodies speak to the kingdom thoughts in our mind and show where we need healing?
How does physical pain play a part in shaping the kingdom within?
Whether it's aging, an injury, or chronic pain, how might God use physical suffering to bring transformation?
Concepts: Incarnation, stewardship, suffering, fasting, sexuality, gender
(Kingdom relationships, maintaining kingdom boundaries, peacemaking with other kingdoms)
How does the change God brings in my Kingdom begin to affect those around me?
We are surrounded by people who have their own kingdom within. Those people are also either being transformed by the King, or they are surrendering their kingdom to the world. We can't change anyone. We don't have the power. But when the King changes us, it has affect on everyone around us. It has the power to invite others to be transformed.
Bowen Family Systems Theory, Reconciliation, Conflict, Sabbath, Hospitality

Due to limited space (10-14 total), we encourage you to register soon. If we are at capacity we’ll notify you about other options.