[1]WELCOME: Good morning everyone! If you’re new with us on campus or online, my name is Nic Cook and I’m one of the pastors here along with Joe and the other elders. We’re continuing our teaching… SERIES: called ANCHORED that is based on a letter in our bible called Hebrews. This morning we’re going to be talking about something called…

· THE TABERNACLE: Now if you don’t know what a tabernacle is, that’s okay. I’ll explain it. But before I do I want to tell you a story that I think will illustrate why this passage is so good for us to hear. [2]About 3 years ago, I was on a retreat at the Chiara center. It’s an incredibly beautiful place. Right in the middle of the facility is this amazing chapel. When you walk in, the height of the ceiling, the ornate decorations, the art, imagery, smells, and symbols are all meant to help people both DRAW NEART to God and TEACH them about God. The height of the ceiling speaks of God’s transcendence. Candles and light speak of God’s glory, him being the giver of truth that is light to our path, and his holiness and casting out darkness and burning away impurities. I love this space. I’m grateful for how our Catholic brothers and sisters preserve symbolism and architecture as ways to help us encounter God. On the other hand, there are some areas where we differ from our Catholic brothers in sisters. You may notice that at the front, there is a section that has a little wall around it and a gate that is closed. One day I was being given a tour of the facility. The guide was explaining the murals and the various symbols. When we got to the front area that was fenced off, I asked if it was possible to be able to get closer so that I could see the item that looked like the ark of the covenant a little better. They responded, no, sorry, only the priests are allowed back there. Now, I have to admit there was an immature side of me that was like, “oh yea, you can’t keep me out. All I have to do is step over this little tiny wall.” Priests aren’t any more holy than I am. I was indignant. It bothered me for most of the day. But close to the end of the day, I realized why I was so frustrated and focused on that little wall. It’s because I felt like I was being DENIED ACCESS into a special place. God shows up in a special way here, but you’re not allowed in. And deep down, something in me was saying, but I want to be close to God! I want to get as close to him as possible! But, it feels like there’s always things in the way. We all want to be close to God, but it feels like there’s something standing in our way, keeping us from being in that special place! Now we’re ready to read and talk about [3][Heb. 9]


[4]A PLACE TO BE CLOSE TO GOD: The author of Hebrews starts out this section by talking about a special place of worship “here on earth” called the Tabernacle. When we go back to the story of God told in Exodus, God leads his people out of slavery to a [5]holy mountain. A location where he could meet with them, speak to them, and for them to be in his presence. God makes his presence visible and known in a powerful way as a cloud of smoke filled with fire and lightening, came down on the mountain. There were roaring sounds like trumpets blasting and sounds of thunder. Moses goes up onto the mountain and God gives him the 10 commandments, as well as intricate patterns on how to build the tabernacle. In [Exodus chapters 25-31] we hear God give incredibly detailed directions for this special place of worship, A PORTABLE HOLY PLACE AMONG THEM. It consists of…[6]

3 MAIN SPACES: In the very center of the tent there was a room called the holy of Holies. It was separated from the rest of the tabernacle by a thick curtain. Then outside the curtain in the tabernacle was a second space called the holy place. Then outside of the tabernacle, there was a third space made up of an enclosed courtyard. Inside of each of these spaces were…

SPECIAL ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH APPROACHING GOD: The Ark of God, the altar of incense, the table of the bread of presence, the golden lampstand, the bronze basin for washing, and the bronze sacrificial altar were all part of the tabernacle. Remember what I said about how the space and objects at the Chiara center are supposed to help TEACH US about God as well as help us DRAW NEAR to him? Well, the tabernacle was designed to both teach us about God and help us draw near to God as well. The tabernacle teaches us…

· ABOUT HOW GOD CREATED A SPACE TO BE WITH US: [7]When you read about God describing to Moses how to create the tabernacle, the descriptions of the items, the organization into sections, the entire section of scripture is mirroring the creation story in Genesis one. In [Genesis 1:3] it starts with God speaking from his highest heavenly realm. “Then God said, let there be light”. Then six more times “Then God said” and the rest of the creation was revealed. Next we see the second heavenly realm made with the stars, moons, planets. Then we see the third realm of earth made. We see a separation of land by water. We see plants and trees. We then see animals. Then last of all we see people. We see the Holy Spirit mentioned as “hovering over the waters” and participating in creation Then on the seventh day, we see God setting aside the Sabbath, a day of rest, refreshment, and enjoyment of this world where God and humans’ dwell together in this creation. . Then at the end of Genesis 1:31 it says, “God saw all He had made, and behold, it was very good…” and in verse 28 it says “and God blessed them.” Let’s…[8]

o COMPARE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD TO THE CREATION OF THE TABERNACLE: In [Exodus 25:1] with the phrase “The Lord said to Moses…” It starts with God speaking, but this time he’s creating through Moses. In Genesis God speaks 7 times and creates the three realms and fills them in a single chapter. In Exodus, God speaks to Moses over 7 chapters and simply describes how to create the three spaces of the tabernacle and fill it. In [Exodus 25-31] there are seven times the phrase “the Lord said to Moses…” occurs. We also see God creating three realms. He starts with the Holy of holies, the first realm, where God’s presence and rule is. In it is the Ark of God, an item with a throne, surrounded, and guarded by angels. Then the creation of the second realm, the Holy place. A place filled with images of angels and lit up with light from a golden lamp with seven branches. Like the light of stars, planets, sun, and moon. It’s filled with a cloudy haze from the altar of incense like the sky. Then the third realm we see water separating the sky from the land in a bronze basin full of water. Later on, in a more permanent holy space called the temple, this basin was huge and was actually called “the sea.” This third realm is filled with people and animals. Then outside the third realm is the rest of the world. And right before the creation of the tabernacle, God sends the Holy Spirit to empower and enable to men to be able to craft and build it all. The last time it says “The Lord said to Moses,” is when God tells his people to rest and enjoy the Sabbath. God’s last major act of creation in Genesis was the creation of the Sabbath. The last thing associated with the tabernacle, is Sabbath. A TIME AND A PLACE TO BE WITH GOD. When the tabernacle is finally built and finished, we’re told [Ex. 39:43] “3 Then Moses inspected all their work. When he found it had been done just as the Lord had commanded him, he blessed them.” Inspecting it, seeing it is good, and blessing it. [9]

o THE TABERNACLE WAS A PICTURE AND REMINDER OF WHAT WE LOST: The tabernacle was a visual reminder of the way life was meant to be in the garden, OUR FIRST HOMELAND. In close proximity and friendship with God. That in the beginning God wasn’t just in the holy of holies, but he walked with us in the third space. But because of sin, we were cast out of the garden. Because of sin, we were separated from God. Not friends, but rebels and enemies. No longer able to be close to him. And the tabernacle showed this as well. The first thing you encountered upon coming close to the tabernacle was the bronze altar. A reminder that death was the result of sin. To approach God, there must be justice for our rebellion. That when people and things are removed from God, the source of life, they will die. However, not everyone was allowed to go beyond the courtyard. Only the priests who were allowed by God to enter could get closer to God. Even they needed to be reminded that they were sinful. So, they had to wash in the basin before they could enter the Tabernacle. They had to be made clean to get close to God. The priests who were allowed in the holy place, the second space, would see the table and bread, and be reminded that humanity used to eat face to face with God, in friendship and fellowship. They would see the light of the lampstand and be reminded that they used to be able to look upon the radiant face of God. They would see the angelic beings on the curtains and be reminded that the Garden we were kicked out of was guarded by angelic beings keeping us from our first home in the direct presence of God. To further remind them of our distance, only one priest, once a year was allowed to enter the first space, the holy of holies. They would stand before the ark of God, that had the 10 commandments in it. They would have to put blood on the seat and sprinkle blood in front of the ark. A reminder that they had broken God’s laws, broken God’s heart and death came because of it. Here is the bad news and the good news. The bad news is the tabernacle is a reminder of everything we lost when we sinned. It told all of humanity, there is a place you long to be, but you’re not allowed because of your sin. But the good news of the tabernacle is that…[10]


JESUS TABERNACLED AMONG US: John, one of Jesus’ first disciples wrote his story of who Jesus was and he says, “14 So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” [Jn. 1:14] In the original language of Greek that this was written in that phrase “made his home” among us is skenoo (skay nah oh). Or literally “pitched his tent” or “tabernacled” with us. Hear this! WE WERE NOT ALLOWED IN THE HOLY OF HOLIES BECAUSE OF OUR SIN. SO, GOD BROUGHT HIS PRESENCE INTO THE REST OF THE WORLD THROUGH JESUS. [11]WE COULD NOT GET NEAR TO GOD, SO GOD CAME NEAR TO US IN JESUS. God stepped out of the space we could not enter and entered into our space BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BE WITH US. He wanted to help restore a way to get back to the way things were at creation. You no longer have to go to a special place and ask a special person to go meet with God on your behalf. When God sent Jesus he said, now you can come directly to me! Be with me! Walk with me like you used to. Spend time with me! Eat with me. Enjoy creation with me. Work alongside me. Now, that is amazing! God stepped into our space since we couldn’t come close to him through Jesus. But, a question arises…[12]

HOW DO WE GET CLOSE TO JESUS NOW THAT HE’S GONE? I, like you, wish I could sit down with Jesus physically! To experience his love through a hug, or a word directly from his mouth. But even in Jesus’ day, that wasn’t possible for everyone. While he was on earth in a physical body, Jesus could only be in one place at a time. He could only meet with so many people. I’m sure even the 9 disciples got jealous when Jesus left with 3 of them. So how does Jesus become close and available to everyone? How can everyone draw near to him? [13]

JESUS TURNED US INTO TABERNACLES: When Jesus breathed his last breath, something symbolic happened that changed the way we relate to God forever. In [Matt. 27:50-51] “50 Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. 51 At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” The last obstacle that kept all of us from experiencing God personally was destroyed. Everyone is offered direct access to God’s presence. The very first sermon preached after Jesus rose from the grave promised this… [14] “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” [Acts 2:38] The tabernacle was a portable holy place. WELL, WE ARE NOW PORTABLE HOLY PLACES, TAKING GOD WITH US WHEREVER WE GO! There is no more access denied. I love the way the psalmist says it in [Ps 139]. When I’m sitting, when I’m standing, when I’m sleeping, when I’m waking, you’re already there.

· Now, let me also be clear. This is amazing, but it is not easy. We don’t always feel like God is close. First! PLEASE HEAR THIS, [15]WHETHER YOU FEEL GOD’S PRESENCE OR NOT, DOESN’T CHANGE THE PROMISE THAT HE IS CLOSE. The New Testament tells us that we are now connected and united “with Christ” and “in Christ” somewhere around 164 times. It’s like we need reassurance that it’s true. We don’t always feel it, so we need to learn to trust it even when feelings come and go. [16]However, I do believe that it was Jesus’ intention for us to know in an experiential way that he is with us. He intended for us to hear his voice and for us to feel his love and closeness. But to do so, it is more complex than being close to another human or getting to know them. John Stott says it this way. [17]“It is clear, to start with, that ‘knowing’ God is of necessity a more complex business than ‘knowing’ another person, just as ‘knowing’ my neighbor is more complex than ‘knowing’ a house, or a book, or a language. The more complex the object, the more complex the knowing of it.” Learning to hear God’s voice through scripture means learning to read differently than we’ve been taught. It takes meditation, and contemplation. Learning to talk to God and listen for him takes practice in prayer as well as carving out silence and solitude. [18]We are teaching these things in our rhythm groups on Tuesday nights. Our next group will be starting on prayer March 6 if you’d like to learn to listen for God’s voice. It is possible to hear him and to feel his presence. Because of the Spirit of Jesus inside of us, it is possible to say with David “your love is better than life.” [Ps. 63:3] I’m no expert at all of this either! I’m still learning how to sit with God, how to pursue his voice. I think that’s part of the process. We have to be hungry for God’s presence and not simply take it for granted. We say with Paul, I want to know Jesus and the power of his resurrection! I want to know him more and more and be with him as much as possible. But I will say, even though I have more regularly felt his presence and heard his voice, I want more. I want to see him, touch him, be with him physically. And here’s where I’m ending today…[19]


We long to be directly in God’s presence, because it’s where we were made to be, and for those who love and apprentice themselves to Jesus, its where we are destined to be again! Revelation ends with a picture of a garden city coming down to heaven. Heaven and earth being reconnected. God and humanity, finally and fully reunited. This is what the writer of Hebrews meant when he talked about “the greater, more perfect Tabernacle in heaven, which was not made by human hands and is not part of this created world.” [Heb 9:11] This is part of the “eternal inheritance” that we have been promised in [Heb. 9:15] The tabernacle was both a reminder of what we lost in the beginning, and a picture of what God has in store for us in the future. It was a copy, an echo, or mirage of the real thing. With that in mind, I want to close with what are probably my most favorite words by C.S. Lewis. [20-22]

“The Christian says, 'Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing. If that is so, I must take care, on the one hand, never to despise, or to be unthankful for, these earthly blessings, and on the other, never to mistake them for the something else of which they are only a kind of copy, or echo, or mirage. I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that country and to help others to do the same.” [23]


God thank you for your presence with us! We also pray, God bring us to our true country! We long to be embraced our true King!


