Depending on the church background you grew up in, what does it look like to pray together in worship? What are the benefits of written prayers said together in corporate worship? Where do I start if you’re a worship leader looking to incorporate richer times of prayer into your church’s worship?
Are you a new Worship Leader or Pastor? Are you a Lead Pastor or elder trying to understand what a healthy worship ministry looks like? There are a lot of things to consider and it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. Here is an introduction to 10 main categories to think through for worship ministry in your church.
How do I help transition my church from traditional to contemporary worship? How do I keep things from exploding as I do so? Here are some highly practical principals to use when looking to help your church transition worship styles.
Are you new to worship ministry and looking for some of the best books to help you? Want to learn to be a great worship leader and lead theologically rich and transformative worship but don't have time or money to go to seminary? Here are the top books I've come across while doing worship ministry for the last 23 years.
Leadership structures and struggles (Part 1)
Leadership struggles are common in all churches. If you were to ask who is supposed to lead the church, you will get a lot of different answers. There are 3 main models for leadership in a church. Here is how they often lead to struggles. Is there a better model for how leadership should work in the local church?
Leadership as followership (Part 2)
How should church leadership be set up? The church often borrows from the business world or government. This often leads to power struggles and division in the church. Jesus showed us a better way while he was here on earth.
Worship themes: Participatory (PT 2)
What does it look like to increase participation in worship? How do we help create space and equip people to both personally engage in worship as well as be fully immersed in the experience of a worshipping community?
Worship themes: Multisensory (PT 3)
Our bodies were made to experience this good world that God created and thank Him for it. Then use those same bodies to worship God. How might we better think through using all of our senses to experience God and respond to Him? What would it look like to design a multisensory worship service?
Worship themes: clarity and next steps (PT 4)
Is the Sunday worship experience supposed to be for believers or seekers? Are we seeking to make it about edification or evangelism? Additionally, are we ready to answer the question of "what's next?" Do we have a strategy in place for helping people respond to what God has said to them? Do we know how to help people grow into maturity and how does that fit into our time of worship?
How to design corporate worship (A template)
How do I intentionally design the entire worship service in a way that is biblical, transformational, participatory, and wholistic? There are so many things to think about when planning worship. Here is a template to help you begin designing powerful worship services today!